Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Splinter Cell Conviction


I played the demo of Splinter Cell Conviction and I must say, I enjoyed it more than previous Splinter Cell games. For me, Splinter Cell has always been a bit to slow paced and for someone with A.D.D well it's downright cruel at times. I simply jump the gun to much and end up screwing up my progress by trying to get in a gun fight with the enemies or simply jumping out of the shadows at the wrong time. I had a similar problem to a far lesser degree in Batman Arkham Asylum with the stealth sequences. What can I say, I am impatient at times.

Anyways, I only played the demo of the game, but I enjoyed it. I found it a lot more forgiving in regards to revealing your character to enemies and more importantly, sped up game play to an acceptable level in my eyes. The story, as usual these days was a bit of a joke. I know multiplayer has become a big factor in this series and hear the new one does not disappoint, but I could never get into the multiplayer personally.

I was thinking of giving the multiplayer a try on this one, but it was not included in the demo that I know of, which I was a bit bummed out about. More so, when considering to buy the game I realized the single player (so I am told) is all of 5 hours long. Un fucking acceptable. I dunno what is with this trend of releasing games with a decent multiplayer component and a piss poor amount of single player game play but I don't like it and personally I refuse to support the developers on games such as this. If games like bad company 2, grand theft auto, mount and blade, etc can include both and include 8+ hours of single player...or in GTA4's case significantly more...well I don't see the excuse.

Beyond that, the game looks beautiful as all the splinter cell games seem to. The character models are a bit stiff though and the faces on some of them leaves a bit to be desired. The decision to include indicators in the levels to show where you need to go in the forms of text on walls and whatnot is cool, albeit a bit out of place at times.

Overall, I'd say this game would be a buy if you are a die hard splinter cell fan that has found the series was getting a bit stale, this is not your old school splinter cell, some may adapt and like it, others will hate it. If you are looking for fulfilling single player...look elsewhere. I hear multiplayer is great if you are into that sort of thing. If you are willing to shell out 49 bucks for the game, just don't expect an epic single player campaign.


bean said...

In regards to the lack of single player content in games these days could be due to a shift in the popularity of the increasing popularity of games, and the increasing desire to be social. Maybe future game designers (hint hint) could take this to heart and not forsake the single player aspects for those of us who care little for multiplayer (social hermits like myself, for example).

That aside, I've heard that the multi in the new Splinter Cell is pretty awesome, and includes some good co-op, which was pretty fun in the past; the last co-op I played was in Pandora Tomorrow, I think, which was super fun.

zedkhov said...

Oh, believe me. I won't be skiming on any single player if I get any say in it...which is my goal hehe.

I agree it's definitely due to their push towards what I view as extreme social gaming. While this I feel, falls in that catagory it is not to the degree of games such as, say farmville or battlefield 1943. None the less, I dislike it.

Yea, I witnessed some folks playing the co op a couple days ago at school, someone got their hands on a copy and the two seemed to be having a great time. Apparently you can play the single player missions all in co op, which I think was the devs effort into making the game the standard 10 hour experience.

Dunno, not for me personally, but it's opinion