Friday, May 14, 2010

This week in Game Design School

Hey folks,

Busy week again, the folks in earlier classes weren't lying when they said the work ramps up dramatically each term, and this is only term two haha.

Ah, when it comes down to it thought and I am getting stressed out I just step back and tell myself I am making video games.

That brings me to the point of my post. I heard some great advice passed around by teachers who have been in the industry a long time now. Idea stealing happens a lot in this industry, it's almost guaranteed to happen to you at least once. Instead of getting mad, just come up with a new idea. If you had a good one, you'll have a good one again, odds are if you learn from your last one it will be a better idea overall as well. Basically don't let the bullshit get you down, concentrate on what makes the job fun.

So, this week we went into further detail for sound design. I created a one minute ambient sound clip of someone walking through the jungle, the rain starts and they come across a jaguar, they start running as it chases them, they make it to a stream where the cat attacks them and knocks them into the water, then devours him as the sound fades out. It's not the most unique project, but what I am learning is growing fast as is my interest in sound design. 3D design however is a thorn in my side. We're using 3d studio max and it's more than a little difficult to pick up. Tonnes of options, tonnes of redundant methods for accomplishing the same goals...which contributes to the ridiculous amount of options. Just, not my thing I suppose. Still, it's great to learn in case you ever have to touch something up in 3dsm or possibly communicate with your team in specifics of the program with what you need done.

And just to remind you folks. CS5 is out. I hear the tweaks and additions to the brushes make digital painting even more fun and compete a bit better with painter. Anyone tried it? thoughts?


bean said...

I haven't brought myself to download CS5 yet, since CS4 seems to do the job just fine. I've got the brush pack from Massive Black installed, and they're fantastic for painting, as are the custom brush tools. Maybe in a few months I'll try it, but for now I don't think that the bandwidth is worth it.

Oh, and I think I owe you a (literal) shit ton of artwork. I should get on that...

zedkhov said...

I would have accepted "some" or "several art" but a shit just revealed your hand my friend. I'll be looking for that shit ton in the mail.

Also, no rush.

whenever I get it I will mail back a poorly painted munny that looks somewhat like deadpool and also the usual "goat porn"